How the Franc App Is Helping Me Save For My Child’s Future

I am an avid saver, something I haven’t always been brilliant at doing, but something that has been drummed into me my whole life. I guess it takes a bit of growing up and ‘adulting’ to realise just how crucial this is. I’ve been a bit obsessed with saving for the past 7 or so years, and I can totally see how it can become a bit of an addictive feeling (in the best way possible).

I have done various short-courses in investing and always had my dad, sister and sister-in-law to ask for advice; they are all pretty well-versed in this space. I, however, am not and am very much still learning. That said, the actual nitty-gritty of investing my money doesn’t really interest me that much, it’s not my forte. It never has been. All I want to know is 1) what is ‘right’ for my money and 2) what the growth will be.

Being six months pregnant with our first child has brought a whole new view on ‘saving for the future’, and this is where I have to sing the praises of the Franc App. My husband and I have been speaking about the various ‘things’ we need to set up funds for; from our child’s education (and we all know how costly that can be!) to smaller things like family holidays (which will all be a tad more costly having more than two of us in the picture!).

Franc basically allows you to set up investments in the simplest and easiest way imaginable. I honestly cannot recommend it highly enough if you, like me, are unsure where and how to invest but want to do it quickly, efficiently and in a way that is super understandable (none of that overwhelming nitty-gritty detail).  I was pleasantly surprised to see that Franc also has an academy that breaks down some investing terms for those wishing to brush up on their general financial literacy.

I managed to set up an education fund for our future-child in 10 minutes, and the process was actually so motivating. You can select any ‘goal’ for your investment; whether it be a holiday, a property fund, a general savings stash or a bigger purchase, like a car or a handbag (lol). You are asked a bit of detail around your personal finances and, once they have the details they need, the app suggests the best fund for your goals and financial situation. (they have plans to launch multiple goals on the app soon!)

My first deposit has already come off my account to start saving for my son’s future. I love how I can check in on my investments easily, through the app, at any point. It’s motivating and feels like something that is in my control. Check out Franc App, even if it’s just for a browse – I promise you will leave with some sort of investment set up!